Botox For Wrinkle Treatment And Youthful Looks

If the wrinkles or creases on your face aren’t yet severe, Botox could be the right treatment for you. It is effective in temporarily smoothing away facial wrinkles without the downtime you would expect with a facelift. This reason alone is why Botox is so popular. It’s a quick procedure that will make you look younger without having to take a long break from your daily routines. You can visit to request your appointment for this treatment.

What is botulinum toxin type A?

Botulinum toxin is a purified substance that’s derived from bacteria. Commonly known types of botulinum toxin type A injections include Botox and Dysport.

Injections of botulinum toxin blocks muscular nerve signals, which then weakens the muscle so it can’t contract. The end result is diminished unwanted facial wrinkles.

Botulinum toxin can be used to help smooth:

Your Botox Consultation

Before your first Botox procedure, you will meet Dr. Bloch for consultation. At this stage your goals, expectations and every aspect of the Botox treatment will be discussed. Ask all the questions you might have in mind and the surgeon will provide all the answers so that you may make an informed decision. You will be made aware of all the benefits you can expect and also some of the risks that are associated with the treatment. To confirm that you are a suitable candidate, the doctor reviews your medical history and may require some examinations to be carried out. The doctor carefully examines your wrinkles and recommends how the procedure should be done if you choose to go ahead with it.

How Botox procedure is performed

You will only need consultation during the first treatment, but that is usually not necessary during your repeat treatments. Dr. Bloch as an experienced plastic surgeon identifies the sites on your face where to make Botox injections. These are areas with muscles that are usually responsible for causing wrinkles when you make natural facial expressions. A topical anesthesia is applied on the sites to minimize pain during and after injections. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, so you go home immediately after treatment. You are given instructions to take a rest for some hours or a day before resuming a normal routine. Full results are noticed after 3 to 7 days and in most cases they last for about six months.

What Are the Side Effects of Botox?

Temporary bruising is the most common side effect of Botox. Headaches, which resolve in 24-48 hours, can occur, but this is rare. A small percentage of patients may develop eyelid drooping. This usually resolves in three weeks. This usually happens when the Botox moves around so you shouldn’t rub the treated area for 12 hours after injection or lay down for three to four hours.

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