Vampire Facelift – Facial Rejuvenation – Chicago

Advancements in cosmetic techniques have given us the Vampire Facelift. By using platelet-rich plasma, this treatment can dramatically improve the effects of facial aging. This treatment uses the body’s own natural ability to rejuvenate skin.

The Vampire Facelift is FDA-approved for improving the collagen production and texture in the skin. First, a blood sample is taken. The blood sample is then processed in a certified laboratory to separate the blood platelets. This platelet-rich plasma is injected into the face.

Often, hyaluronic acid treatments are used in conjunction with this procedure to create comprehensive rejuvenation.

Speak with Dr. Steven Bloch to learn more about the results you can achieve with the Vampire Facelift.

Contact us at our office in Chicago to schedule a consultation.

Filed under: Vampire Facelift

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