Unsurpassed Reputation Of Innovation And Excellence

At Body by Bloch, we perform numerous cosmetic surgeries for both adult men and women. We will likely consider you for cosmetic surgery if you are in good health, have realistic expectations and a positive attitude towards your procedure. Before surgery, we normally carry out a medical evaluation to identify any underlying medical conditions as ill-health may compromise surgery results or put your health at more risk. Consultation with us will help us determine if you are a suitable candidate for your ideal procedure. To book a consultation with us you can go to www.bodybybloch.com or call us at 1-847-686-3183.

What does plastic surgery involve?

At Body by Bloch, we perform a wide range of cosmetic plastic surgery as well as reconstructive surgery after an injury or accident. Some of the surgeries we perform include:

Plastic surgery is invasive. All of the above procedures are done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. After surgery, we will stitch the incisions, dress them and place drains where necessary to remove unwanted fluids around the surgical area.

Recovering from plastic surgery

Recovery from plastic surgery differs among individuals. It will also depend on the kind of procedure you had. It’s obvious that you will need pain medication, antibiotics as well as rest after surgery. Observing our post-surgery instructions will enhance a smooth recovery.

What are the risks of plastic surgery?

All cosmetic plastic surgery procedures have potential risks which include:

Having plastic surgery performed by a plastic surgeon certified by the ABPS in an accredited facility like Body by Bloch will reduce most risks.

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