Tummy Tuck in Northbrook- Get Solution for Unresponsive Abdominal Fat and Skin

Tummy tuck, clinically known as abdominoplasty is among the most effective methods used to contour a flabby or bulgy abdomen that has failed to flatten up after pregnancy or weight loss. Abdominoplasty is not a weight loss alternative and should only be considered if proper workouts and healthy eating have failed to flatten your abdomen. Abdominoplasty involves surgery and is therefore done under general anesthesia. You may need to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days after surgery. Abdominoplasty recovery is quite painful and the rest is important for some weeks. Dr. Bloch is a board-certified plastic surgeon from Chicago with over 31 years of experience in cosmetic surgery. The surgeon operates from his accredited facility Body by Bloch. It’s convenient to book an online appointment with the doctor at www.bodybybloch.com.

Before the procedure

Always tell your doctor or nurse:

Before your surgery:

On the day of your surgery:

Tummy tuck technique

Once you are in the operating room, your surgeon will give you general anesthesia. After you are pain-free, Dr. Bloch will make a long incision below your navel which extends from hip to hip. It’s through this incision where excess fat and skin deposits are excised. Your surgeon will also tighten loosened or weak ab muscles with sutures. Loose muscles bulge out, giving you an odd look. The navel will be repositioned too. After all these procedures, tiny temporary tubes to drain your cut will be inserted. Your incision will then be closed with stitches. A firm elastic bandage is then used to dress the incision. You will then be taken to the recovery room.

Possible complications

You will have pain and swelling in the days following surgery. Your doctor will prescribe pain medicine and tell you how to best handle the pain. You may be sore for several weeks or months.

You may also experience numbness, bruising, and tiredness during that time.

As with any surgery, there are risks. Though they’re rare, complications can include infection, bleeding under the skin flap, or blood clots. You may be more likely to have complications if you have poor circulation, diabetes, or heart, lung, or liver disease.

You may experience insufficient healing, which can cause more significant scarring or loss of skin. If you do heal poorly, you may require a second surgery.

A tummy tuck leaves scars. Though they may fade slightly, they will never completely disappear. Your surgeon may recommend certain creams or ointments to use after you’ve completely healed to help with scars.

Coping up with abdominoplasty recovery

After the anesthesia wears off. You will feel some discomfort in your abdomen, but prescribed pain medication will help you manage. You may be discharged to go home as long as you are stable. Dr. Bloch’s instructions for his tummy tuck patients include taking care of the bandage and drains. You need assistance at home as you won’t be able to perform most tasks on your own. It will be only after 6 weeks when you can resume strenuous exercise and other activities. Your drains will be removed after 2 days while stitches will be removed after 7 to 10 days. You can resume work after 10 days and most swelling will have subsided.. Future pregnancies, aging, increase or decrease in body weight can, however, affect your abdominoplasty results. Proper diet and exercise will prolong your new ab profile.

Filed under: Tummy tuck Abdominoplasty, tummy tuck in Northbrook

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