Things You Should Know When Considering a Breast Reduction in Glenview
Breast reduction surgery, known in the medical community as reduction mammaplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess breast tissue, fat and skin from your chest. At Body by Bloch, we are proud to offer reduction mammaplasty so our clients can alleviate back, neck and shoulder pain and feel more confident. Here are some things you should know if you’re considering a breast reduction in Glenview.
Your Insurance Provider May Cover the Cost
If your health insurance provider determines that your breast reduction in Glenview is medically necessary, they’ll cover the cost of your procedure less the deductible you still have to pay for the year. For example, if you are having over half of your breast tissue removed, it will probably be considered medically necessary rather than cosmetic. Talk to your insurance provider if your breasts are causing health issues, such as back, bone or joint pain or difficulty breathing, especially when you sleep.
A Breast Reduction Can Solve Many Issues
If you’re considering a breast reduction in Glenview, you’re probably wondering if the procedure is right for you. If your excess tissue is causing chronic skin irritation, like a rash beneath your breasts or trouble fitting into bras or clothing, a breast reduction is probably right for you.
Similarly, if your excess tissue restricts your activity, like running, causes nerve pain or creates chronic pain that requires pain medications, this procedure can improve your quality of life drastically. If you don’t like what you see in the mirror because one or both breasts are too large or you don’t like the size, shape or placement of your nipples, a breast reduction in Glenview could certainly help.
A Breast Reduction is an Outpatient Procedure
Like most cosmetic procedures, a breast reduction is performed on an outpatient basis. This means you don’t have to pay for an overnight hospital stay. However, you’ll need someone to drive you home afterwards. When we discuss your goals during your initial consultation, we can give you a better idea of how long your procedure will most likely take.
You Can Also Get a Breast Lift
Breast reduction procedures in Glenview do a few things. Primarily, they decrease breast size and reshape the breasts. A somewhat peripheral benefit is that the nipples can be corrected too. What many people don’t know is a breast reduction can help to eliminate sagging. However, if you have significant sagging, you can have a breast lift performed at the same time as your breast reduction.
Get All the Facts
Do you think a breast reduction in Glenview could be right for you? We invite you to come to Body by Bloch, located in Glenview and Highland Park, and learn for yourself how a breast reduction can help you eliminate pain and improve your appearance and self-confidence. Contact us today to book your consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!