Rhinoplasty in the Chicago Metro Area– Enhance the Aesthetic Look of Your Nose

Rhinoplasty is the clinical name for nose surgery popularly known as nose job. The surgery is normally done for cosmetic reasons and to correct defects in the nose. Nose surgery should be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Nose surgery is an out-patient procedure performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. You may however need to stay in the surgery centre or hospital overnight if your doctor ascertains that you are not yet in a stable condition. In the surgery, bumps are removed and nose angle improved. The nose may also be reshaped, enlarged or reduced to be in proportion with other facial features. Dr. Bloch, a board-certified plastic surgeon from the Chicago metro area, performs rhinoplasty from his state-of-the-art facility Body by Bloch.

Your rhinoplasty consultation

During your rhinoplasty consultation be prepared to discuss:

Your rhinoplasty surgeon may also:

Nose surgery technique

Rhinoplasty begins with admission of anesthesia. After anesthesia, Dr. Bloch makes inconspicuous incisions on your nose to access the bones and cartilage that support the nose. Incisions are made inside the nose to make them invisible. Your surgeon may also make an incision cross the narrow strip that separates your nostrils to elevate the skin and give way to accessing the nose bones and cartilages. For correction, some of the cartilage or bone may be reduced. Tissue taken from another part of your body may also be used for needed enlargement. Synthetic filler may also be used to provide enlargement. After bone and cartilage are contoured to the desired shape, skin and tissue are redraped back in position. Incisions are sutured and a splint is placed outside the nose to support the new nose structure.

Limitations and risks

Fortunately, significant complications from rhinoplasty are infrequent. Your specific risks for rhinoplasty will be discussed during your consultation.

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Some of the potential complications of all surgeries are:

Other risks specific to rhinoplasty are outlined below:

You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your rhinoplasty.

Recovery and results of nose surgery

After surgery, your face will most likely be swollen around the nose and eyes. Pain will also be experienced as anesthesia wears off. Cold compresses will minimize the swelling and prescribed pain relievers will help with your discomfort. Most swelling will however disappear after about 2 weeks. Dressings and splint will be removed in about a week. You will be advised to sleep with your head elevated for a few days after surgery. Dr. Bloch will advise you to stay away from taking any strenuous activities that may raise your blood pressure for the next 6 weeks or more. After nose surgery, swelling is usually worse in the morning and may come and go in the first year after surgery. Your nose will however have gained a new shape after that time. Scars will not fade but will remain hidden.

Filed under: rhinoplasty surgeon

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