Men Can Benefit From Liposuction Too…

Liposuction is mainly done by men to get permanently rid of excess fat from their bodies. Fat can be removed from chest, ankles, abdomen, thighs, etc. This procedure helps men to get a leaner and athletic body. The excess fats are usually as a result of lacking to respond to work out programs or diet.

Surgery procedure

The patient is injected with a solution containing salt water local anesthetic and adrenaline. This is usually referred to as tumescent technique. These components help reduce bleeding and bruising. A tiny incision is cut at the place where the liposuction is being done. There are two commonly used surgical procedures namely:

Liposuction surgery depends on the amount of fat being removed. It takes around one to five hours. To book a consultation with Body by Bloch call us at 1-847-686-3183 or click here for more information.

Recovery from the procedure

For quick recovery process, the patient may require antibiotics and drainage tubes to aid in the healing process. Most male patients return to their usual daily routine within a few days. They are also encouraged to walk once they feel they are able. However, tedious activity ought to be avoided for some few weeks as recommended by your surgeon. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle for example taking a balanced diet and thorough physical exercises is also recommended.

What should one consider before having a male liposuction?

It is advisable for males to have in mind some very important issues before having this surgery done to them. This helps one to know the expected outcomes and also the complications that may arise. They include:

How should one maintain himself after having male liposuction?

Instructions and guidance from the surgeon opt to be followed to achieve what one desired before undergoing the operation. Moreover, one also needs to have some self-care measures for himself such as one need to take a leave for few days off work to rest. All tedious activities should be avoided for some few months to help the body to heal. Any severe pain or unusual bleeding should be reported to the physician. Pressure garment should be worn for several weeks continuously.

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