Liposuction Chicago Surgeon – Dr Steven Bloch


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that contours particular areas of the body by getting rid of excess fat which exercise and dieting have failed to remove. This technique can be used to reduce fat on areas like the thighs, hips, buttocks, face, abdomen, back, chin, neck and upper arms among other areas. Facilities that offer cosmetic procedures like Body by Bloch in Chicago run by Dr. Bloch and his team of qualified doctors will help you get rid of body fat to improve your shape and proportion. Dr. Bloch your liposuction Chicago doctor can combine liposuction with other cosmetic procedures such as tummy tuck, facelift or breast reduction.

Your Liposuction Consultation

During your liposuction consultation be prepared to discuss:

Your liposuction surgeon will also:

Be sure to ask questions. To help, we have prepared a checklist of questions to ask your liposuction surgeon that you can take with you to your consultation.

It’s very important to understand all aspects of your liposuction procedure. It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether it’s excitement for your anticipated new look or a bit of preoperative stress. Don’t be shy about discussing these feelings with your plastic surgeon.

Who Qualifies For Liposuction?

Dr. Bloch would consider you as a liposuction candidate if you are bothered by fat deposits on several parts of your body that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise. Other considerations that most liposuction Chicago doctors observe include:

Your plastic surgeon will advice you on other cosmetic procedures and treatments that will help you lose unwanted fat on your body if liposuction is not suitable for you.

After a liposuction procedure, Dr. Bloch from uses elastic bandages or a compression garment to cover the operated area. This avoids swelling by compressing the skin to the proportion of your new body contours. Sometimes drainage tubes are used under your skin to help drain unwanted fluid or blood which quickens swelling. You will be given oral medications and ointments to apply on the treated areas. Advice on caring for the drains and special concerns about the treated site is also given. Your liposuction Chicago doctor will recommend follow up visits. Remember to ask specific questions about the duration to wear the compression garment, when the stitches will be removed and when to resume exercise. Swelling may take several months to disappear before you achieve your ideal look, liposuction results are however affected by aging and changes in body weight.

To book a consultation call Dr Bloch at 1-847-686-3183 or go to

Filed under: liposuction Chicago

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