Great Results With Blue Light Acne Treatment

At Skin Deep Medical Spa in Glenview and Highland Park, Chicago, under the direction of Dr. Steven Bloch, MD, board certified plastic surgeon, we provide a wide range of skincare treatments based on the latest state-of-the-art-technologies. Our Blue Light Acne Treatment is highly recommended for patients who have tried other acne treatments without much success. It is worth noting that no specific acne treatment is simply meant to work for everyone, so it is important first to schedule an appointment with us for consultation. Our experts will examine you and review your medical history to make sure Blue Light Acne Treatment is for you. Light therapy acne treatments, however, work for the majority of patients we treat, so request your appointment with us at

How does the treatment work?

Blue light and red light wavelengths are used to kill the bacteria responsible for causing acne. Narrow bands of these light wavelengths in high intensity are used to target and destroy porphyrins that are released by the bacteria. We combine blue light acne treatment with photosensitizing agents like topical aminolevulinic acid (ALA), methyl aminolevulinate (MAL), and hydrochloride solution (Levulan® or Kerastick®). That makes acne treatment to produce the best outcomes, so it is very important to have the treatment done at any of our Skin Deep Medical Spa facility. You may want to avoid light therapy devices for use at home as they may not be effective without photosensitizers. Most importantly, your Blue Light Acne Treatment should be overseen by experts. We customize treatments for each patient, so depending on how severe your acne is we determine the number of treatments and intervals required over time.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects as a result of acne treatment using blue light are usually minor in almost all the cases we have ever dealt with at Skin Deep Medical Spa. Patients can only expect some swelling and dryness of the areas treated. Some temporary changes in pigmentation may also occur in some cases.

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