Get Your Ideal Breast Size For Healthy Living With A Reduction Mammaplasty

Breast reduction also known as reduction mammaplasty can help in reducing the size of your overly large breasts that are negatively affecting your lifestyle. A board-certified plastic surgeon can successfully perform the procedure for you in an accredited surgical facility. Dr. Bloch who owns and manages Body by Bloch can perform breast reduction for you. To book a consultation with him you can call us at 1-847-686-3183 or fill out the form at


The success and safety of your breast reduction procedure highly depends on your complete candidness during your consultation. You’ll be asked a number of questions about your health, desires, and lifestyle.

Be prepared to discuss:

Your surgeon may also:

Why is breast reduction performed?

Dr. Bloch may recommend reduction mammaplasty if:


Breast reduction surgery is usually done under general anesthesia (asleep and pain-free).

For a breast reduction, the surgeon removes some of the breast tissue and skin. Your nipples may be moved higher to reposition them for cosmetic reasons.

In the most common procedure:

The procedure can last 2 to 5 hours.

What happens after this procedure?

After getting breast surgery, your breasts will be dressed with gauze or bandages. You may also wear a surgical bra. You may be discharged to go home immediately after surgery or spend a night in the hospital for observation if your condition is not stable. Temporary tiny drainage tubes will also be inserted beneath your breast skin to drain out any accumulating fluids. Breast pain and swelling is normal after surgery, but pain medication will help you cope. You should also take antibiotics to help prevent infection. Staying away from any strenuous work for the next 6 weeks or more is advised. If you have stitches, they will be removed within 2 weeks. Drains and dressings will be removed after about 2 days following surgery. Your new breast contour will be more apparent after a few months. You will feel good about your new look and you can wear a variety of clothes.

Filed under: breast reduction performed

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