Get Vaser Hi Definition Liposuction For An Enhanced Profile

If you have a stable body weight or close to your ideal weight and want to accentuate your muscles by losing some fat, Vaser Hi Definition Liposuction can be very useful. This is a new technology that uses ultra-sound assisted tool that delivers energy in pulses via a specially designed probe controlled by a physician or a board-certified plastic surgeon to particular muscles surrounded by fat. The Vaser technology is used in conjunction with liposuction to remove unwanted fat on muscle groups. Common muscles accentuated by the procedure include the abdominals, flanks, hips, upper back, arms and glutes. The procedure can be performed for both men and women wishing to have a contoured shape. Dr. Bloch is a board-certified plastic surgeon from the Chicago metro area who performs Vaser Hi Def Lipo from his facility Body by Bloch.

VASER® LipoSelection is an effective device and useful tool in body contouring surgery

VASER® LipoSelection was FDA approved in 2001. VASER® LipoSelection is a form of liposuction that uses ultrasonic energy in a deliberate controlled fashion to assist the surgeon in the selective removal of fat in body contouring surgery. Ultrasonic liposuction was first used in the early 90’s but fell out of favor with plastic surgeons because of increased risks and complications (such as burn wounds) due to the high level of ultrasonic energy. The VASER® is a 3rd generation ultrasound device that has been engineered to eliminate many, if not all, of these problems as it employs a low level of ultrasound. The ultrasonic energy pulses to gently break apart the fat cells with minimal collateral damage to important tissue.

The VASER® is not a laser, in fact VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. The ultrasonic energy is transformed primarily to vibration energy which is transmitted to the fat cells by small probes (between two and three millimeters). The fat cells are “shaken” apart and then mixed with fluid, which is infiltrated by the surgeon at the onset of the operation. Then, small cannulas are used to suction and remove this fat/water mixture (emulsification).

Vaser Hi Definition Liposuction procedure

Before the Vaser body contouring procedure begins, your surgeon will give you general anesthesia to make you comfortable and pain free. Next, your surgeon will make tiny incisions on the area to be treated through which ultrasonic energy will be transmitted through a small probe. The energy will break cellular membranes that surround fat cells thus release the contents. After this, a small cannula is inserted under the skin and moved back and forth while suctioning the melted fat out of your body. The procedure is repeated in all muscles that need contouring. Surrounding tissues will not be harm in any way. The fat reduction technology makes blood to coagulate in surrounding blood vessels therefore reduce excessive bleeding during treatment. There is also the benefit of reduced swelling and bruising.

Recovery after Vaser Hi Definition Liposuction

After fat treatment with Vaser Hi Definition Liposuction, you will be able to resume your normal activities after 7 to 10 days. You however need to stay away from strenuous activities for at least 4 to 6 weeks following the procedure. Dr. Bloch will prescribe pain medication which will help in controlling the discomfort associated with the procedure. Once swelling starts to disappear, the contoured areas will be more evident. Women will have a flatter tummy and an accentuated waistline while men will have a more masculine figure from the accentuated muscles.



  1. Do not undergo VASERlipo treatment if you have chronic medical conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, heart, lung, or circulatory system disease, or vascular problems, including common circulation problems and coagulation problems associated with certain medications. Inform your doctor if you have any of these conditions or are in doubt.
  2. The following conditions may also affect the safety or effectiveness of VASERlipo:
  1. Presence of collagen, scarring, or connective tissue disorders;

  2. Presence of stretch marks or potential for stretch mark formation;

  3. Lupus Erythematosus;

  4. Endocrine disorders; and

  5. Pregnancy or the possibility of pregnancy.

Filed under: Vaser Hi Def Lipo

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