Get The Faq’s On Breast Augmentation

If you are considering having a breast augmentation procedure, some frequently asked questions about it can be useful in helping you to understand more. Breast Augmentation FAQs can be about anything from implants and incisions to recovery and potential risks. These should also be part of the questions you will need to ask your plastic surgeon before making the decision to go ahead with the surgery. The questions should help you fully understand the procedure especially regarding what you can expect to accomplish in results and the risks involved.

Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation?

You are likely to be a good candidate for breast augmentation if the following apply to you:

Which implants should I choose?

Breast implant decisions include not only the size consideration but other choices such as the implant fill, shape, surface, and profile. Your doctor should help you determine if you need to augment your breasts by one or more cup size. The implant fill can be silicone or saline. Look at any history including controversy with any implant fill and ask your doctor if that one is good for you. The implant shape can be round or anatomical while the implant profile is the projection of the implants off your chest wall. The implant profile ranges from low, moderate, moderate “plus” to high. The implant surface can be textured or smooth. Whatever choices you make, ask your surgeon the pros and cons of each.

Should I have breast augmentation with breast lift?

Your surgeon will most likely recommend breast augmentation with a breast lift if your breasts appear sagging. You will be examined to determine the severity of the sagging breasts and the best surgical techniques that can improve their appearance.

How is aftercare and recovery like?

After your surgery, the doctor properly applies bandages or dressings to protect the surgical sites and minimize side effects. You are given specific instructions to care for the sites so that you can have a faster recovery. The recovery time can vary from one individual patient to another, but it also depends on the surgical techniques used by the doctor. For more information or if you want to schedule a consultation with Dr. Bloch for breast augmentation, call 1-847-686-3183.

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