Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat Areas With Non Invasive Vasershape In The Chicago Area

Body areas with stubborn fat pockets can be treated non-surgically with VASERshape™. This is a modern technique that helps you get rid of fat areas by a combination of massage therapy and ultrasound. The whole procedure is, therefore, safe, relaxing and has very minimal downtime. The treatment has other benefits but should be offered by an experienced medical practitioner. VASERshape™is one of the non-surgical procedures performed at Skin Deep Medical Spa under the management of Dr. Bloch, a board-certified plastic surgeon from Chicago. To book an appointment at call us at 1-847-380-7596.

VASERshape™treatment takes one or more hours depending on the area to be treated. In the treatment, your doctor will maneuver a device which delivers ultrasound energy on your body area with fat. The energy destroys fat deposits beneath the skin which is then absorbed and expelled from the body naturally. The machine’s soothing action will not cause you any pain as treatment continues. Uneven areas are also smoothed out in the process for a firmer youthful contour. The combination of ultrasound energy and massage therapy temporarily help in the reduction of fat and cellulite on the arms, back, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, hips, knees and thighs.

What are the results of VASERshape™

After treatment with VASERshape, you don’t need a hospital stay. You can resume your normal work. You will notice improved results in the treated areas after a few weeks. Repeat sessions, as advised by your doctor, will improve the appearance of cellulite areas. Full results will be more evident after the last treatment session. The outcome is a more shapely contour with even skin. Since the treatment has minimum downtime, you can resume your work after the first few days of treatment. Your doctor will advise you to continue with your normal exercise routine and healthy eating after treatment to prolong your new youthful figure.

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