Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing – Effective And Safe Treatment Of Blemishes

If you want to go for a non-invasive cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, scars, acne scars or superficial scars from injury or surgery, you can consider getting fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing. At Skin Deep Medical Spa in the Chicago metro area, we offer this treatment under very safe conditions. Our State-of-the-art facility is well equipped with modern cosmetic equipment including the Laser resurfacing systems. After consulting with us, we will recommend the laser skin resurfacing or another treatment that best suits your skin. The laser treatment only treats affected microscopic columns of skin. The untreated areas will, therefore, remain unaffected. We perform this treatment on an outpatient basis, meaning that you will be able to go home immediately after treatment.


Hyperpigmentation is the production of excess melanin causing dark spots on the skin. Age spots, liver spots, freckles, sun spots, pregnancy mask are all types of hyperpigmentation and there are several treatments available to reduce or remove the darker skin.

Hyperpigmentation refers to areas of skin where an excess of melanin has been produced and formed deposits, causing skin patches that appear darker than the surrounding skin.

Common skin areas that experience hyperpigmentation or dyschromia are the face, arms, and hands. Age spots, liver spots, freckles, sun spots, melasma, and any typical dark or brown spots in the skin are examples of hyperpigmentation.

How is fractional laser resurfacing performed?

Before getting fractional laser resurfacing, we will clean your skin and mark the areas to be treated. We will also use local anesthesia to give you a nerve block that will ensure that you don’t feel pain in the area to be treated. For your safety, we will give you eye shields to protect your eyes from the laser beams. Next, one of our physicians will use a laser device which is passed over your skin. The laser system emits laser beams in less than milliseconds. The number of passes made on your skin depends on the area being treated and your skin type. You will feel some slight burning as the laser beams penetrate your skin. We usually take care of the thin skin around the eyes. After treatment, we will cover your skin with a clean dressing or use ointment to sooth treated skin.


Recovery with fractional laser resurfacing will normally depend on the aggressiveness of the treatment. After treatment, we will give you post-treatment instructions on how to take care of your treated skin. We always advocate the use of sun block whenever you are going outdoors after the laser treatment. Your skin will appear red for 2 weeks and final results will be more notable after 6-8 weeks. As collagen continues to be produced, your skin will appear younger and free of blemishes than it used to be before the treatment. To schedule an appointment at our medical spa go to to help you get an ideal treatment for your problematic skin areas.

What to think about


Laser resurfacing first injures or wounds the skin and then destroys the top layers. You need to prepare yourself for how your skin will look immediately after treatment and throughout the healing process. It is also extremely important for you to follow your doctor’s instructions on caring for your skin after the treatment, so you can avoid infection and help your skin heal.

Be sure that your doctor understands what you hope to achieve and that you understand what results you can realistically expect. Even with realistic expectations, you may not see results for several weeks or months after laser resurfacing. You may need more than one treatment to achieve the results you want.

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