Butt Lift in the North Shore Area– Improve Your Buttock Shape With Surgery

If you have excess skin on your butt after losing a lot of weight, you can consider getting rid of it with butt lift or buttock lift. This is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the buttock area especially after dramatic weight loss that leaves you with lax skin. Other factors that may leave you with extra butt skin include aging or hereditary factors. In the surgery, extra skin is excised and fat is removed through liposuction. If the surgery is done by a board-certified plastic surgeon, you can expect to have an improved butt profile and a smooth recovery. A buttock lift is one of the cosmetic procedures performed by Dr. Bloch, a board-certified North Shore plastic surgeon from Body by Bloch. You can book a consultation at www.bodybybloch.com or call our office at 1-847-686-3183.

Do I qualify for a Buttock Lift?

Consultation with Dr. Bloch will give you an insight of butt lift procedure and help you understand if you qualify for the procedure or not. You will likely be a suitable butt lift candidate if:

A positive attitude towards the surgery and your realistic goals will also matter in qualifying you for a butt lift.

Are there any side effects or complications of a buttock lift?

As stated above with the other procedures, there is a high likelihood of bruising, swelling, tenderness and numbness that usually resolves within several weeks to months. More serious, and more rare complications include infection, open wounds, persistent numbness, persistent swelling and uneven skin contours.

Most people can resume normal activity in a few days to a few weeks. Compressive garments are worn for four to six weeks, and difficulty with sitting may be problematic for several weeks.

Procedural steps for a butt lift?

Butt lift involves a step by step process to ensure good results. Dr. Bloch may use different techniques depending on your condition. The following steps are generally used in a standard butt lift procedure:

  1. Anesthesia – your plastic surgeon will give you general anesthesia that will put you to sleep throughout the surgery.
  2. Incisions – to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining one, your surgeon will make an incision either at the top of the buttocks, under the buttock cheeks, in the hips or in the groin area. Liposuction may be used to help in the contouring process that will give you a more balanced look.
  3. Incision closure – skin is closed in layers with deep sutures for added tightness
  4. Drains placement and dressing – drains are normally placed beneath the skin to remove any accumulating fluids that may cause infection before bandages are placed. Your surgeon will recommend that you wear a compression garment over your dressings to reduce swelling and tighten your skin.

Aftercare and recovery

Your surgeon will discuss how long it will be before you can return to your normal level of activity and work. After surgery, you and your caregiver will receive detailed instructions about your postsurgical care, including information about:

Filed under: butt lift procedure

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