Breast Revision Chicago Surgery– Achieve Breast Improvement After Implant Placement

Having trouble with your breast implants? Breast revision could be what you need. Since breast implants don’t have a lifetime guarantee, at some point, they will have to be removed or replaced. Breast revision, also known as implant replacement is cosmetic surgery that is performed to remove or replace silicone or saline implants for more satisfying aesthetic goals or to correct health complications posed by the implants. The revisional surgery is more expensive than the initial surgery. A professional plastic surgeon can perform the correctional surgery for better and prolonged results. The removal and replacement of breast implants is done under general anesthesia in a hospital or accredited surgical facility. Other than performing the breast augmentation itself, Dr. Bloch from Body by Bloch in Chicago addresses complications relating to initial implant placement. To set a consultation with Dr. Bloch at Body by Bloch you can fill out the form or call our office.

Your initial consultation appointment

During your initial consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic goals. Your surgeon will evaluate you as a candidate for breast revision and clarify what a breast revision can do for you. Once your surgeon understands your goals and medical condition, both alternative and additional treatments may be considered (see related procedures).

Your plastic surgeon will examine, measure and photograph your breasts for your medical record. Your surgeon will consider:

How is breast revision performed?

Correctional surgery for initial breast augmentation employs different techniques. Dr. Bloch will use a method which best suits your condition. Common complications addressed with breast revision include:

Previous incision lines will be used in revisional surgery to minimize scarring. Additional incisions may however be made depending on your surgeon’s judgment. Through the incisions, old implants are removed and new ones placed. For implant size increment, previous pocket used is enlarged by excision to make room for a larger implant. Implant size reduction uses a smaller pocket and the old pocket may be sutured to reduce its size. After implant placement or removal, incisions are closed with sutures, stitches or surgical tapes. Temporary tubes called drains are inserted beneath your skin to drain the incisions. Your breasts will then be dressed with bandage and you need to wear a surgical bra.

Side Effects

Directly following surgery, you may experience exhaustion, soreness, and/or stiffness.

Possibility of infection.

Breast revision recovery

Recovery from breast revision may or may not take the same time as your initial breast augmentation. Your surgeon will issue instructions on care for your breasts. You will be given prescription medications which include pain relievers, antibiotics and creams to control swelling.

Filed under: Breast Revision Surgery in Chicago

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