Are You Ready for a Breast Revision?

Breast revision is correctional surgery usually done to correct a botched breast augmentation procedure or to remove and replace saline or silicone implants that are posing health complications. If you desire a more youthful breast contour, revisional surgery may alter the shape or size of the implants. Dr. Bloch is a board-certified plastic surgeon who also specializes in breast surgeries including secondary breast augmentation. Breast revision is generally more costly than an initial breast augmentation. A qualified plastic surgeon can successfully carry out the correctional surgery and save you from more revisional surgeries in future.

Breast implants: expectations vs. reality

Breast augmentation — breast implant surgery — is the top cosmetic surgery performed today, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. A total of 347,524 women had the surgery in 2007.

It’s a major step for most women, and often a positive one. Studies have shown that breast implants can help boost self-esteem, body image, and sexual satisfaction.

But studies have also pointed to the critical need for careful screening by doctors, and self-awareness among women, before breast implant surgery. Women who may have psychiatric or alcohol problems before their surgery may be at higher risk of suicide years later.

What happens in breast revision?

During your breast revision surgery, your Dr. Bloch will give you medication to relax you before removing or replacing your implants. Secondary breast surgery depends on your reason for revision. Most breast revision complications make use of initial incision sites through which the old implant is removed and a new one placed through the same incision. This may well apply for capsular contracture where implant capsule hardens. Change in implant size may require enlargement or reduction of implant pocket with sutures to accommodate the new implant size. Implant malposition is corrected by using primary incisions and suturing techniques to relocate implants. New incisions are typically needed in cases where patients need elevation of the nipple and areola to the chest level. After surgery, incisions are sutured and dressed. Drainage tubes may also be placed.

Limitations and risks

Fortunately, significant complications from breast revision surgery are infrequent. Every year thousands of women undergo successful breast revision surgery and are pleased with the results. This surgery is usually performed without any major problems. Your specific risks for breast revision will be discussed during your consultation.

All surgical procedures have some degree of risk. Some of the potential complications of all surgeries are:

Adverse reaction to anesthesia

Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may

require removal)

Infection and bleeding

Changes in sensation


Allergic reactions

Damage to underlying structures

Unsatisfactory results that may necessitate additional procedures

You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions of your board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your breast revision surgery.

Life after breast revision

After breast revision, Dr. Bloch will instruct you on how to take antibiotics and pain medications as well as taking care of your surgical sites. You will only be allowed to shower after 3 days when drains are removed. Strenuous activities are prohibited for at least 6 weeks though recovery differs among individuals. Wearing a compression garment during this time is very important. If you have had your implants removed, you will have a brief recovery than if you had implants replaced or additional cosmetic breast procedures. After about 10 days, you can go to work. After several months, your implants will settle in place and tingling around incisions will subside over time.

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