A Guide to Breast Revision in Glenview
Once you undergo a breast augmentation or similar cosmetic procedure, you may think that’s it; but that’s not always the case. Implants can lose their shape and perkiness over time, scar tissue can cause trouble, and weight gain or loss can all have negative effects on the breasts. Even changes in life itself can call for alterations to augmentations. If any of the former situations pertain to you, then you may very well be a good candidate for a breast revision in Glenview. Body By Bloch in Glenview, IL are the experts to perform it.
What Is a Breast Revision?
A breast revision is the process of replacing or removing previously inserted implants.
How Is a Breast Revision In Glenview Performed?
A breast revision in Glenview is usually performed under a general anesthetic and takes 2 to 6 hours, depending on the individual needs and wants of the client. The doctor will then make an incision along the scar tissue created from the previous implant and remove it. The process varies significantly from this point onwards. This is due to the unique nature of a breast revision itself. Some women want larger implants the second time around, some want smaller, some want the implant placed above the breast tissue, and some want it placed under.
What Is the Recovery Time?
Recovery time for a breast revision in Glenview is generally 6 to 8 weeks. You will be prescribed pain medication following the procedure. Drains and bandages will be removed after 2 to 3 days, while stitches will be taken out within 7 to 10 days. The patient is advised to avoid any strenuous activity for the 6 to 8 week recovery period.
Will Be There Any Scarring?
Any scarring that does occur will remain pink for several weeks before gradually fading to a less noticeable hue.
Why Get a Breast Revision In Glenview?
There are many reasons why women choose to undergo a breast revision. Breast implants can lose their shape over time, they can be affected by weight loss or weight gain, problems can arise in the implants or surrounding tissue, breastfeeding can cause unwelcome changes, and sometimes people just want something bigger and better. Some benefits of a breast review in Glenview include:
- Improved Self-Esteem – You wouldn’t be considering a breast revision if you were completely happy with what you already have. Correcting what you’re not content with will leave you feeling better about yourself, and self-esteem will improve once more.
- Look Better Naked – Any improvement when it comes to your breasts means you’ll be more confident and comfortable in your own skin, potentially improving your sex life!
- Clothes Will Fit Better – New implants mean new clothes, and you’ll look killer.
Body By Bloch in Glenview, IL
If a breast revision in Glenview, IL sounds right for you, contact the professionals at Body By Bloch in Glenview, IL to schedule your initial consultation.